Discontent may be brewing after an apparent Putin victory
3 min read
Abortion in Russia: a political landscape
Yes, there is a religious angle. But overall, the issue is less politically polarizing than it is in the US and reflects Russians' widespread anxiety over demographic decline.
2 min read
Why the Insurrection Failed
Five Factors that Led to Prigozhin’s Downfall
8 min read
How Trouble Found the Mayor of Krasnodar (and What He Did About It)
Negative sentiment does not always mean displeasure. To make sense of sentiment in big data sets, one actually needs to know the minutiae of local social conditions. Sounds too paradoxical? Consider the recent fortunes of Evgeny Naumov, the mayor of Krasnodar.
3 min read
(Re)Introducing the FilterLabs Newsletter
As we have expanded our work not only beyond Russia but also into other types of data (economic, consumer, and social indicators), we have come to believe that a broader aperture is needed.